Containers for Cruise Food

On the land tour following a Celebrity Alaska cruise, I overheard a fellow passenger as we wandered through a museum.
She was famished and told her companion that she had a stash of cookies. “I can’t believe that nobody suggested packing Tupperware for the cruise. I went to the tea and dumped a tray of cookies in this bag. I am going to suggest that everybody pack Tupperware in the future so that they can go load up on cookies from the tea to have when they are off the ship.”

I didn’t turn to see from which mouth these words of wisdom spewed. How tacky can passengers be? For one, you will see signs as you pass security that request that no food be taken from the ship. More importantly, did this woman with her great suggestion realize what cruise fares would be if passengers started stashing food from the buffets and tea into their personal containers?
No wonder we couldn’t find any cookies on the ship. They were in this woman’s purse.

We know that the economy isn’t great and there is nothing wrong with trying to cut costs, but not at the expense of other passengers.
Please don’t take this woman’s suggestion to heart. And I thought that the woman who went to breakfast in her PJ’s was tacky.
Woman in PJ's on the Celebrity Millennium
Check out the woman wearing the pink pajamas and robe with jacket over it at the breakfast buffet. We didn’t notice any notes in the daily program requesting that passengers not wear their robes in public areas. Has Celebrity changed this policy?

Sail Away.

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