It isn’t that difficult to book a cruise, but planning and organizing the rest of the trip requires some time. Not that I would ever procrastinate, but I did, just a few days prior to my arrival, book a hotel. Nothing like cutting it short. We will be attending a holiday party in Glendale, which is north of the airport and therefore north of the cruise pier. It seemed the best solution to just stay near the party site so that we don’t have to drive the 30 odd miles down to San Pedro.
We booked the Vagabond Inn in Glendale, which was one of the top rated hotels in the area. It has free internet and continental breakfast and is relatively close to our evening function.
Enterprise offers one way rental cars with a $25 drop-off fee. Considering we are going to the party, a rental car was a necessity. It only cost $10 per day plus the drop-off charge, but by the time all the extra fees and taxes were added, it came closer to $60. Not really bad considering that we would have had to take taxis without it. That expense would quickly add up to $60. As it is, we will drop the car near the port in San Pedro and use the shuttle to the pier that Enterprise offers. We hope that traffic isn’t too bad on a Sunday morning and that we can make it to San Pedro without traffic delays.
Coming back from the cruise, we will use Prime Time Shuttle to get us to LAX. They charge a reasonable $16 per person.
Sail Away