Norwegian Dawn Overview

In general, our sailing on the Norwegian Dawn was a splendid experience. We felt connected with the staff and crew, who went out of their ways to make our experience on this ship a pleasant and memorable one.

There were a few things that we could pick at, especially the condition of the chairs in the relaxation area of the spa. I never expect to experience anything that is in worse condition than my house.

Where's the upholsterer?
Although this ship had undergone a recent drydock, it seems that one item that was forgotten was the upholstery on the chairs in the relaxation area. Come on Norwegian. Do you need a woman to check out the condition of the furniture onboard? The condition of these chairs did not entice me to splurge on the spa package where I might enjoy a relaxing time watching the world go by.

Other than the worn chairs in the relaxation area, I can’t think of any other negative. My bed did slide, but I found it more entertaining than annoying, but it was noticeable. I thought that I should be looking for a spot where I could insert a quarter for more action.

In 2012, the sailing season from Boston to Bermuda has been shortened. The last cruise of the year will depart on September 14. After that the Dawn will sail a Canada and New England itinerary.

Sail Away

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