Real Upgrades

I’ve always found the promise of an x-category upgrade rather intriguing; especially when it seems to promise a change to
an entirely different type of stateroom rather than just an upgrade into a higher category within the same type of stateroom.
What constitutes an upgrade for one person might not be considered an upgrade for another. For example, upgrades in categories usually
mean that your cabin will be on a higher deck and that isn’t necessary good for somebody who gets sea sick.

Sometimes, but rarely, there are upgrades between cabin types and that is the case with a special that NCL is offering right now. In fact, it is possible to get upgraded from
an inside to an ocean view or oceanview to a balcony. Now that is what I call a real upgrade.

These upgrades are limited to certain sailings, but at last check were available on Alaska sailings. Don’t wait, this offer ends on January 31.

Sail Away.

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